Friday, May 11, 2012

What the hell is Obama thinking?!?!

This dumbass President that this country has, is an absolute IDIOT! After all the shit that has come out, and the fact that he should have never even been able to run the first time, much less get elected, has decided to run again, and this time his big claim is he supports same sex marriage. Fucking moron.
I don't say that because I am against same sex marriage, but because this is his way of thinking that he can win the majority over again? Really? Well, someone should probably do a little research on the issue at hand. I was watching an interview earlier and a bunch of gay and lesbian couples were very offended by this. Saying it made them feel like he was pretty much trying to use gay and lesbians as way to win office again, and that basically it was calling them stupid. Stupid enough to vote someone into the highest office chair based on the fact that said official all of a sudden supports their lifestyle. Ugh.

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