Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm gonna miss this

SO, softball and baseball season is almost over for both kids and I must admit, I am going to miss it! I look forward to this time of year, even though I often times feel like I can't wait until it is over. Crazy I know.

Next will be here before I know it, and I will be doing it all over again.

I, along with the kids, have meet some great people, mostly at the softball fields, and I enjoy watching their kids just as much as my own. Next year, Keigan will move up to the next division and instead of the coach pitching the ball, it will be the girls. Scary, but exciting. I hope is that when Keigan get hits with the ball, she won't throw herself down, but yet, shake it off, and knock the hell out of the next pitch. I think she will be happy, she should be on her favorite coaches team and she is looking forward to that.
I don't think Dawson is going to play baseball at all next year. Excited and sad about this. He wants to play football in the 7th grade, and I am just not big on forking out all that money for him to play both. We shall see what happens. I don't think he will like football as much as he thinks, but I could be wrong. He really wanted to play at his old school, mostly because it is a smaller district I think, and all the coaches were pumping him up and getting him excited about playing, and building his ego. Ugh. Just what every 12, almost 13 year old boy needs....someone feeding into the ego, therefore feeding into that "I know it all" attitude. How exciting?!? I am so not looking forward to more of that, but I do want him to have the experience and succeed and accelerate in sports. Hell, I ain't going to lie, I hope he gets a scholarship to college playing sports! Only time will tell.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Couldn't sleep even if I wanted to now.

Well, seems it is going to be a long night for me. It is storming outside, and I am terrified of bad weather. I know, how pathetic. I am going to 34 in week and I am terrified of the weather. Actually, as bad as it is outside, I should probably turn this brand new computer off, unplug it and maybe watch tv, but...That is boring, and plus I gave Keigan free reign of the remote, so she is watching an episode of 16 and Pregnant, on demand, which I have already seen. Probably not the best show for my 8 year old to be watching, but she loves that show, and maybe she will see how the girls struggle and not want to have kids until she is 30! Wishful thinking on my part, I am sure.
I have been pretty busy today, cleaning and doing the mommy and wife thing. It sure feels good to have a clean house, I just need to finish all the laundry and clean my bedroom. The bedroom as become the catch all while cleaning the rest of the house. I guess that is how it goes though. At least now I am able to clean one room at time. That use to not be the case. See, I am self diagnosed with adult ADD and I have to force myself to do some things, like clean one room at a time or else nothing ever really gets cleaned, and if it does, it's not in a timely manner. I would pick something up in one room and go to put it where it belongs and I would get side tracked and start cleaning in the second room, and so on.
I am also a little OCD about a lot of things. This is a subject that I could probably go on about for a while. Lets see....

1. I can not stand for my hands or feet to be dirty.
2. I wash my hair 2 times every time I was it. Sometimes 4 if 2 doesn't seem to be enough.
3. Odd numbers don't work for me. Hence washing my hair 4 times and not 3. If I am buying more that one of something at the grocery store, it is always in even numbers.
4. When I buy new socks, say a pack of 8, before I wear them I have to mark them. L1 R1, L2 R2. The letter being which foot it goes on, and the number being what pair it is. A left sock can not go on the right foot, or the other way around.
5. I count everything.
6. I smell everything that I eat or drink...even water.

That is just a few things. I have gotten better over the years, but these are things that I just can not stop doing. I guess I am pretty lucky though, because there are some people who have NO control and OCD controls their life.

Anyway, this seems to be a pretty random posting, but then again, most of everything I do is pretty random. My brain goes a million miles per hour from the time I get up, until I pass out. I can not ever seem to stick with one subject when I blog. Hmm, maybe that is my self diagnosis working again? Who knows. I sit and I read other blogs, all the time, and I wish I could write like some of these people, but that just isn't my cards apparently. None the less, I enjoy typing, and this is a way for me to just let stuff go. I have had to learn how to censor myself, sometimes anyway, as to not to piss people off, but then there are also times where I really do not give a shit. I do however wish there was a way that I could block some people from reading what I post, but then again, my haters would not have anything to talk about.

It is 11:22 at night, and I am hungry. We had spaghetti for dinner, which is not my favorite so I never eat very much of it. The bad thing is, I don't eat very much during the day either. My metabolism  suffers from this. I need to force myself to eat and get back into the gym. I really miss the gym. I always feel so good after a good workout. I am thinking that I want to try this Body by Vi stuff, and that Sensa stuff that is out now, but I don't know. We shall see.

Well, I guess since the dryer just buzzed, I will get off of here, fold some more clothes and maybe take the remote away from the kiddo......

What the hell is Obama thinking?!?!

This dumbass President that this country has, is an absolute IDIOT! After all the shit that has come out, and the fact that he should have never even been able to run the first time, much less get elected, has decided to run again, and this time his big claim is he supports same sex marriage. Fucking moron.
I don't say that because I am against same sex marriage, but because this is his way of thinking that he can win the majority over again? Really? Well, someone should probably do a little research on the issue at hand. I was watching an interview earlier and a bunch of gay and lesbian couples were very offended by this. Saying it made them feel like he was pretty much trying to use gay and lesbians as way to win office again, and that basically it was calling them stupid. Stupid enough to vote someone into the highest office chair based on the fact that said official all of a sudden supports their lifestyle. Ugh.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Missing: Scott Rascoe

So, this past week has been a little crazy. All of my days are running together, and emotions are high.

Before I get too far into this post, let me say that I honestly believe that friends are the FAMILY that we choose for ourselves.

Saturday May 5, 2012
Dawson had a field trip to Schlitterbahn in Galveston. Keigan was with her dad, fishing, which she says they only caught 3 shad by the way. Bob and I went to the movies to see The Lucky One. I read the book first, and I am glad I did, because as always, the book was a million times better. After that we went and enjoyed a visit with Ronnie and Cindy until it was time for them to go get their girls from a local water park and us to go get Dawson from the school. After that we went to Anahuac to hang out with Ra-Ra for her birthday celebration. They had some friends over and we were all outside and one of their friends and his son got out some guitars and started playing and singing. I love it. Reminded me of growing up, and how much I miss those days. I wish I would have learned how to play the guitar. I want to take lessons, and I have for a long time, but I doubt that will ever happen. My kids are missing out on what I cherished the most as a child.

We went to a birthday party for Bob's cousins' kids. It was at the party that I was aware that my friend Cindy (who I was just at her house) was in serious need of friends. Her brother had been missing since Saturday evening and they were searching for him. I don't know her brother, but I did not ask questions at the time. I just did what I would want friends to do for me, and that is help. We left the birthday party and headed right to where they were going to search some woods. We searched, came up with nothing and then got word that Texas Equusearch was headed to Baytown to set up a command post and help in the search and rescue, or recovery of my friends brother. We headed over to where they were going to set up the CP and while we waited for Equusearch to get there, some people were out on ATV's in the wooded area where we were at and they were not able to come up with anything either.
Once the Equusearch people got there they did some more foot searching in the woods, and on ATV's and then we all headed to an old abandon hospital. They sent teams in and they came out with nothing as well. Back to the CP we went, and then the search was suspended for the night because it was too dark to really do anything else.

A new CP was set up at a church and foot searchers were sent back to the abandon hospital, and ATV teams were sent to an old oil field area. I was on a team that went into the hospital. It was horrible. Though we did not see any, you could tell that homeless people live in this place, and the conditions where horrid. There were 2 teams, and we covered every inch of the place that we could. If I never went back into something like that, it would be too soon, but at the same time, I would do it all over again, knowing the reason I was there.
I had to leave at about 2:45 and go get Keigan and Dawson from school, then I went to Deer Park to pick up a friends daughter for her, so that she could stay and help search. I would say by 5, that Equusearch suspended the search, with almost 3 hours of daylight left. They said their people were tired and had been out too long. This disgusted me because most of the people that were there from Equusearch had not done anything. 2 of the people had gone on the foot search, and maybe 3 on ATV's that morning, and it wasn't until after we finished searching the hospital that more ATV's were sent out to join those few that were already out there. Whatever. It was just very disturbing to me.

There were a lot more ATV searchers out this morning than had been yet. They were working some good leads, but unfortunately still came up with nothing. Equusearch said that have decided to suspend all search efforts for good. What?!?!?!? The day wasn't even half over. While I believe this organization is awesome in what they do, and I really want to join them, I think the search coordinator was lazy and did a piss poor job, and really did not want to listen to the family about some things.

I left some stuff out, but only because I do not remember what days it happened on.

Like I told my friends though, Equusearch may have called off their search, that does not mean that the rest of us have to stop looking for Scott Rascoe.

Here are some things we know

Scott Rascoe is believed to have last been seen the evening of May 5, 2012. I think it was his daughter that was contacted by his ex girlfriend claiming that he had just shot at her house, which according to the police is a lie. Never happened. Scott was not known to have a gun, but this started the family thinking and so his son went to look for his own gun and it was gone. The scope had been taken off and a note left for his son simply telling him here are the keys to his motorcycle and the title and  that he loved him. Then I guess around 1:30 in the morning the daughter found a note on her back porch with a debit card and instructions how to use it and that he loved her.
The gun that was taken is a .22 short rifle.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The past week....

This past week has been slow, long, and drawn out, but I have enjoyed it. Surprisingly!

Sunday, Bob and I decided to go look at new furniture. We had to do something. My back could not take the ol couch anymore, and I was sick of sleeping at the dining room table or in a zero gravity lawn chair, when by back goes out...which it tends to do on a semi regular basis these days.
Anyway, we got some coupon/flyer thing in the mail for Conn's and it said to apply online to see if you get approved before actually going to the store. So, Bob's immediate response was "get on line and see what they say!" and so I did, and those idiots said APPROVED! With that being said, and the email and all the other required documents in hand (except the coupon, because I forgot it) we went to Conn's like we had any good sense and all the money in Bill Gates' bank account. (in reality, we had ZERO money!) Thanks IRS and the hubs unfortunate bout of gallbladder issues, that required a 3 day stay in the hospital.
We walked in and of course were immediately welcomed by Frances who asked what we were looking for and could she help us find anything, blah, blah, blah. Well, we told her about the coupon and the email saying we were approved, and so it all begins...We found what we liked, Frances wrote down all of the info that she needed and then proceeds to ask do we need anything else, like a television, computer, camera, or anything. I say no, Bob says, "what do you have?"
Long story short, we got the new living room furniture, a new Dell desktop, and a new lens for my camera. (mother's day and birthday gifts for me) I did not want to do all that, nor did I ask. Yes, the hubs knows I have been wanting the lens, but I was willing and ready to wait for that. Nope, we got it all that day....and didn't pay a single penny! Good and bad. lol. Got something that we had to have, something that would come in handy, something I could have waited for, and ANOTHER BILL. Oh well, I guess you only live once. With all of that being said, there is no penalty for paying it off early, which is what is going to happen, but not until after I pay for my awesome bedroom furniture, who thanks to my MeMe, I was able to get for a great deal. A steal really. That will paid very soon though.

 Monday was nothing special. Bob had to have blood work done. I cut, colored and highlighted my aunts hair and then it was softball time.

Tuesday, I had the chance to try out my new lens by taking senior pictures for my cousin. I have always loved taking pictures, and have been wanting to take a photography class really bad, and I never thought that I would get to do anything like this. I had so much fun. I can't stop thinking about it, or looking at the pictures. lol.

I think I did a pretty dang good job, even if I do say so myself! The icing on top of the cake....I got paid for it...and I don't mean 20 or 40 bucks! I was not expecting that, and you have no clue how good that made me feel! I know I still need a lot of practice, and should probably learn how to use the photoshop elements 9 that came with my new computer, but still...not too shabby for a beginner!!!!! This is what I want to do when I grow up! At 33 (34 in a few days) I have finally figured it out! Yay me.

Wednesday, the kids got out of school early. It was actually pointless to send them to school if you ask me, but whatever. We picked up Keigan and then Bob had a doctors appointment for some pre-op stuff, and surgery will be in a couple of weeks. Then we came home, Bob took the kids swimming while I did some laundry and played around with Shay's pictures and then we went to dinner with lots of great people for Pops' birthday. Pops is the father in law.

Today is Thursday and Keigan got to stay home from school. Her class was going on a field trip to the Downtown Aquarium and she did not want to go. I had told her when she said that she did not want to go that she could stay home that day and she and I would go to the movies, but that was before the extended hospital stay, but she and I have had a great mommy and daughter day and she is happy with what we have done.
Now, we are just waiting for Dawson to get home from his first detention and then it will be off to baseball practice!!!

Loving Life Today!