Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 2 with the personal trainer

Well, I thought today was the end of me. I really felt as if I was going to die at the gym, but I didn't!

Today was my second meeting with Contessa, my personal trainer, and unlike my first session, I got a FULL workout. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical machine, which I am proud of, seeing as day 1, I barely made 5 minutes. We go to the gym everyday, and so I have been able to work myself up and go longer. The longest I have been on it it 35 minutes, and that was last night.
Anyway, I did my 25 minutes and the Contessa came and got me and we started my workout. The first thing we did made me feel like the elephants at the circus. You know, when they have the elephants stand on those blocks? She (Contessa) brought out this step thing this about umm, I don't know, bend your knee like you are climbing stairs, now raise your knee about waist high. I guess about 2 stairs high. Well, she showed me what to do, and so I did it. Being that I am right handed, and a little OCD, I started by putting right foot up on the elephant stand, and then I stepped up with my left foot, and then back down, but my right foot never left the thing. I did this 15 times, and trust me, it is harder than it sounds. I did it, and then it was time to switch feet. Hello, my right side is my strong side. Needless to say, I almost did not have the strength to pull my fat ass up, but I pushed through and I did it! Yay Tara! Next I did squats. Joy Joy! I had to lean against this giant ball, on the wall and roll down. I did this 15 times, and then we moved on to working on the upper body. I don't know what everything was called, but I did them all, 15 times each. 15 is my magic number. Then it was back to the same leg workout. I COULD NOT make 15 of each, but I did manage to do 12, and that was fine. The second time around on these exercises Contessa did make me sit down, but after about 5 minutes, I was ready to push on. I did not want to give up, and I didn't want her to think I was weak. We finished the legs, went back to the upper body, and then crunches. I did 50 crunches, and boy am I feeling it.

Before I go on, I have to tell you, that I was really doing 16 of everything because I hate ODD numbers.

I have one more session with Contessa, and that is Saturday, and Bob has a session with her too, but after that I will be the trainer. haha. Reason being, I have been through everything, and I know what to do, and how to do it. I think we will be fine. We will be able to encourage each other, and give each other just enough push. I can't say I am excited about my next session, but I will say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE going to the gym. I feel so much better when I leave. I know it will be hard work, but I am not going to give up, and I am not going to let Bob give it up. If I am able to drop 80 pounds by this time next year, then you can expect the real wedding planning to start...given that we don't end up getting married before then. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. woohoo!!! What time are you going on saturday? They called me to come in for my pass again LOL
