Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yay! We finally got our own place, and it is out of Dayton. That in it's self is exciting. We are still in the process of moving though, seeing as I have jacked up my back pretty bad, and it has just been Bob and I moving everything for the most part.
I love the new place, although, I must admit, it is a little nerve racking, and stressful starting all over, and venturing out on our own. We probably picked the worst time of year to move, but oh well. I guess we will manage. We had to buy a lot of stuff, and then Christmas on top of it, but moving took priority, so...Christmas is going to be cut short. We will make it up with income tax...maybe.
I am looking for some sort of job, maybe part time or something. Just to have play money pretty much, until work picks up for Bob. I am trying to get hooked up with a work from home job like a good friend of mine has. That would be perfect for me. We shall see what happens.
Both of the kids are pretty excited about the new place, and both are excited, but scared at the same time, about starting a new school. They are used to going to schools that only have 2 grades in them, or in Dawson's case this year, 1 grade. After the Christmas break they will be going to schools that are K-5 and 6-8. Huge difference. Maybe they will be able to make friends easy. I am sure they will, I just hope they do not become the subject of bullying. I really do not want to have to go through hell with a new school district.
I have not withdrawn them from Dayton yet, because apparently that is an all day process. So, when school starts back up from the break, Dawson will go to school in Dayton for 1 day, and while he at school I will check Keigan out and then go check him out. That way he can be at his class party that apparently got put off for some reason. I don't know.
Anyway, I am taking a break from organizing the house, and I am watching Teen Mom2 with Keigan and figures I would post something seeing as I have not done so in a while. I keep telling myself that I need to post more often, but I just don't ever make myself.
Oh yeah, we have an Elf On The Shelf.  Her name is Stormy, after my mom, and she was living in our new home they day that we got the keys. Keigan found the book in the kitchen and then found the elf hanging from her light in her bedroom. So far our elf has not played any tricks, just simply moves each night. So far she has not forgotten to move. Thank God! LOL! I think maybe she will play a trick soon. We did get a late start with the tradition, seeing as it was well after Thanksgiving that we got her, and not to mention that Keigan is 8 years old now, and though she says that she believes in Santa, surely she doesn't, but either way, I am not going to tell her, and she likes to play along and so as long as she has fun with it, I will continue to do it. This is something that she can pass along  to her kids, and Dawson will be able to do the same with his kids. I should have bought 2 of the dang things. Maybe I will buy another one next year for Dawson. I dunno.
Until next time....